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**IMPORTANT** For any Notice/Information regarding Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), the candidates should visit official websites of RRBs only. Any Information/Notices being circulated in the social media regarding RRBs may please be ignored. Beware of touts & job racketeers trying to deceive by false promises of securing job in Railways either through influence or by use of unfair means. Candidates attempting unfair means shall be disqualified and legal action shall be initiated against them.
Date Notice-Board    :    CEN 01/2024 - ALP (Pay Level-2)
22-07-2024 Modification option for preference of RRB / Railway Zone for provisionally eligible candidates  
Important Notice for Application status and option facility for change of RRB and Railway(s) zones preference for provisionally eligible candidates
अनंतिम रूप से पात्र उम्मीदवारों के लिए आवेदन की स्थिति और आरआरबी और रेलवे जोन की प्राथमिकता में बदलाव के लिए विकल्प सुविधा के लिए महत्वपूर्ण सूचना
04-07-2024 Corrigendum No.1 - Enhancement in the number of vancancies
Corrigendum No.1 regarding enhancement of notified vacancies for the post of ALP of CEN 01/2024
एएलपी पद के लिए अधिसूचित रिक्तियों में वृद्धि हेतु शुद्धिपत्र सं. 1
19-06-2024 Enhancement in the number of vancancies
Notice regarding enhancement in the number of vacancies for the post of ALP in CEN 01/2024
एएलपी पद की रिक्तियों की संख्या में वृद्धि के सम्बन्ध में सूचना
17-05-2024 Uploading of photo & sign
Notice for access to upload fresh photograph & signature for the ALP applicants (CEN 01/2024) who have not uploaded standard photo & Signature
एएलपी आवेदकों (सीईएन 01/2024) के लिए नई तस्वीर और हस्ताक्षर अपलोड करने की सुविधा के लिए सूचना, जिन्होंने मानक फोटो और हस्ताक्षर अपलोड नहीं किए हैं
30-01-2024 Tentative Timeline
Tentative Timeline for CEN-01/2024
29-01-2024 Corrigendum regarding age-relaxation
Corrigendum to para 5.0 and 5.2 of the detailed CEN-01/2024 for the post of ALP
23-01-2024 Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs regarding application process for the post of Assistant Loco Pilot
19-01-2024 Link for application
Click here to apply for pay level-2 post of Assistant Loco Pilot
असिस्टेंट लोको पायलट (वेतन स्तर-2) के पद हेतु आवेदन के लिए लिंक
19-01-2024 Centralized Employment Notification CEN No.01/2024
Centralised Employment Notice No. 01/2024 for pay level-2 post of Assistant Loco Pilot
असिस्टेंट लोको पायलट (वेतन स्तर-2) के पद हेतु केंद्रीकृत रोज़गार सूचना सं.01/2024


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